Makalu Television

Makalu television is the first television to be broadcasted in eastern development region on 18th of Kartik 2068 .Its an initiative of renouned business personnals ,cable operaters,and people in communication and educational field.With prior permission from nepalese goverment Makalu Television is transmitted from terrestial and cable medium throughout the eastern sector of nepal.With the terrestial facility people in remote areas too can watch Makalu Television.Estimated coverage of 50 lakhs viewers it certainly reached in all the houses in eastern sector.Through our web media almost 30 lakhs views are benifitted everyday.Makalu Television is telecasted from Biratnagar an industrial capital,political and historical hub of eastern region.Focusing on the regional development Makalu Television has established its branches in cities like Dharan,Itahari,Damak,Birtamod.
Locality,Development,promotion being our slogan in a short period of time we have been able to win hearts of our viewers.
Makalu Television is an organisation dedicated on enpowering the public through deleverance of news,education,entertainment and motivation.
Makalu Television has been a symbol of pride for the people of Eastern Region.Its a duty not only to establish a common forum fro the people but also focus on its development so that it caters to all the voices from the people.
Makalu Television has played an important role in development and promotion on fields such as educational,religious,social,cultural and tourism.
In the near future Makalu Television aim to cover the whole nation.
Near Bus park, biratangar, Koshi, Morang, Nepal
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