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Brahma \"The Creator & The Curator\"
The company is the first of its kind in eastern region of Nepal. This new venture is formed so to fulfill the demand for local production for any kind of video, still camera works including web. The company shall eradicate the need to travel far to create any kind of visual art. Bringing a quality product in any kind of visual form using expert minds and ideas shall remain the foremost objective of the company. This age of mankind has experienced a leaping form of technological advancements and visual artifacts have always remained the center of these transformations. As the world moves, Nepal too has not stayed obsolete but has changed dramatically in few years. Societies and cultures are changing, ideas and way of life has changed. These changes in environment can also be reflected in what we see, what we hear and what we perceive. We the team of “Brahma” admires this change and believes change is crucial for the development of the society. We hope to fulfill the new demand of the society, producing what a simple person wants to see, hear and feel. We the team of “Brahma” focuses not on what we know the best but learning what is best for the general public and being the best on that. We the “Brahma” are the creators and curators of visual arts. We may or may not be remembered as the best but as of now we the team of “Brahma” Shall always be remembered as the one who opened the gate of visual art production center in the heart of Eastern region of the nation.